Shaman Retreat Part 3

We opened sacred space and did fire breathing to open our energy bodies. Then, we practiced a guided meditation for grounding and protection.  The visualization was to form a golden light around us, spinning in a clockwise direction. Afterwards, we stood by the fire as we were drummed to rhythm of our unique heartbeat. The teacher found our pace and then proceeded to move the drum around our body as you would if you were smudging. As the drum reached my head, I could feel my cells aligning and becoming synchronized in the perfect internal rhythm. I could also feel my connection with Mother Earth deepening.

We gathered around the fire and wrote down our ideal Divine Mother/Father traits. Then, we wrote down resentments and gratitude we had about our birth Mother/Father.  As the resentments came up, old wounds were opened and soothed with the gentle salve of gratitude. My list of resentments was longer for my dad, but I also got to see what he had done. We placed the lists of resentments into the burning fire and asked it to fill us as we let go of the old. When the old released, it formed a void so we needed to ask to be replenished. It was satisfying on such a fundamental soul level to allow the fire to fill my heart and all it took was trust.

It was time to build a shelter to represent the womb of the Mother. We had bamboo, ropes, blankets, stones, logs, and rugs. Within an hour, we had a cozy shelter in the woods. It was completely closed, dark, and invoked a sense of safety. It was perfect to represent the womb of creation. We began drumming, chanting, and moving around the fire in preparation for acceptance of Divine Mother as our ultimate Maternal Guide. The energy was building with great intensity. One by one, we were chosen to embody either the mother or child. Spirit moved through each of us.

When it was my turn to be the child, the mother wrapped her arms around me and spoke in my ear. I could feel the essence of my birth mother speaking to me with love, channeled through another. Then, she let me go to be embraced by the Divine. I walked to the shelter and sat inside.  As I asked Mother to accept me and declared my willingness to be open to receive, I could feel fire engulfing my body. It got extremely hot and I could see the flames licking all sides of my body. When it was finished, I felt purified, fresh and new. I walked out of the womb, fully supported.

I was chosen to be the Mother for one of the others in the group. As I spoke words and held the person, my voice sounded foreign. It sounded like I was in another room, listening to someone speak. I released the person and felt immense love as they walked away.  I tried not to analyze too much, as I walked back to the fire to chant.  When everyone had been reborn, we sat in silence.


18 thoughts on “Shaman Retreat Part 3

  1. You should link this blog to your Gravatar profile so that others may find it!

  2. leelotchka44 says:

    I was right there with you, reading this. What a blessing to share this

  3. iamforchange says:

    What a beautiful experience you share and what a gift to experience such. It is an honor for us that you do so. Thank you for sharing your heart and love through your words.

  4. Just popping by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. passionwriting says:

    this has been very nicely written…very impressive…good going..!

  6. artbyzowielouan says:

    This sounds amazing and absolutely lovely. x Thank you for visiting my blog space, I look forward to reading more of your experiences 🙂 x

  7. ManicDdaily says:

    Hoped it worked out for all participants! k .

  8. Interesting site you have here…fascinating!

  9. Crimson says:

    I just found your blog and I couldn’t be more excited to follow you!
    Your teachings and instruction will serve me well, as I have a renewed sense of spirituality and Universalism. Even dabbling a bit in Wicca, my eyes and soul feels open and freer than I can remember in this lifetime.
    I’m excited to read further and deeper into your past entries. I’m sure you have plenty to share in your wisdom.

  10. regrowroots says:

    Very wonderful experience. I am having a similar experience of letting go, rebirth, and growth right now. I have recently taken up residence in a small RV with my partner and we are creating a space that reflects our personality and nurtures us. 🙂 It is a beautiful opportunity!

  11. The Artist says:

    Beautiful. Peace & Love.

  12. iamforchange says:

    I love your pages and your form of self-expression, it is a pleasure to have you share your gifts through your pages Thank you. I have nominated you for blog of the Year please visit my page Blog of the year awards and nominations Thank you! Revised
    Posted on December 9, 2012

  13. newstart4liz says:

    When i read your blog for the first time i was drawn in by my scant knowledge of energy, light, rhythm, our connection to the earth…so i want to acknowledge your writing of it so concisely and clearly and have nominated you for the Liebster Award.
    I hope it brings new light to your blog.
    Peace, Liz

  14. Very high vibe, beautiful feeling, blessings – Bruce in Santa Barbara

  15. leelotchka44 says:

    Missing to hear from you
    much love

  16. iamforchange says: So many have shared so much with me and I wish to share as well please accept my nominations and if nothing else know I am grateful for your sharing on your pages with us all and the time you share with me on mine.Thank you!! 🙂 Joe

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